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We offer a range of retirement planning options

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Choose the right retirement partner

Investing for retirement and investing in retirement is an important part of achieving your personal wealth goals. We structure retirement investment plans to suit your needs and risk tolerance.

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A global investment strategy

With a team of highly experienced portfolio managers, award-winning research analysts, sound risk management strategies and a deep understanding of local and global financial markets, we build strategic partnerships with each one of our clients to fully understand their financial requirements, to deliver optimal returns while effectively managing risk.

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Retirement investments that evolve with you

We offer tailored pre- and post-retirement products to help build your retirement investments throughout your career and make your savings last.

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Retirement Planning

Find a balanced retirement portfolio to suit your needs
  • Establish a plan based on your retirement goals

    Establish a plan based on your retirement goals

    Think of this as the road map to your retirement destination.

  • Get invested

  • Stay on track

Build your Retirement portfolio with us

All the retirement investments that you invest in are backed by an investment approach that is rigorous, disciplined and integrates a global investment house view.
  • Investment Strategy

    Investment Strategy

    Investing for retirement and investing in retirement is an important part of achieving your personal wealth goals. We structure retirement investment plans to suit your needs and risk tolerance.

  • Objective

Retirement Planning

Take these steps with Coronation to help make your money last longer in retirement

  • Tap your income sources

    Generate a reliable income stream by tapping your entire portfolio, in tax smart ways.

  • Update your retirement plan

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We are committed with partnering with our customers to achieve shared financial prosperity