Build your investment portfolio with Us
Partner with Coronation Asset Management to grow your wealth
Minimum Initial Transaction size
Personnel Expertise
Ongoing professional management by experts who rebalance your portfolio regularly and provide timely updates
Risk profile
Portfolio diversification to match your risk tolerance
We offer wealth management solutions
Services embedded in this product includes, Investment Management and Fund Administration Solutions, Liability and Liquidity Management Solutions, Staff Savings and Co-operative Fund Management Solutions, Research and Investment Insight
Contact usModel portfolios, with a range of strategies from conservative income to aggressive growth
Contact usOngoing professional management by experts who rebalance your portfolio regularly and provide timely updates
Contact UsManaged Portfolios
Coronation Managed Portfolios
Coronation Managed Portfolios
- A professional portfolio management team who selects and monitors your investment funds, has the flexibility to modestly adjust allocations based on economic and market cycles, rebalances your portfolio annually and provides you with regular updates on your portfolio
- We offer a wide range of investment securities within each asset class, through low-cost, diversified ETFs
Coronation Managed Portfolios
Coronation Managed Portfolios
- A professional portfolio management team who selects and monitors your investment funds, has the flexibility to modestly adjust allocations based on economic and market cycles, rebalances your portfolio annually and provides you with regular updates on your portfolio
- We offer a wide range of investment securities within each asset class, through low-cost, diversified ETFs
Frequently Asked Questions
All your questions answered
Why Choose Coronation?
- Broad portfolio diversification to help manage risk and pursue growth
- Access to professionally managed portfolios designed for today’s volatile markets
Managed Portfolios
Public Funds
Exchange Traded Funds
Public Funds
We offer Three (3) Public mutual funds which are; Coronation Money Market Fund, Coronation Fixed Income Fund and Coronation Balanced Fund
Public Funds
Public Funds
We offer Three (3) Public mutual funds which are; Coronation Money Market Fund, Coronation Fixed Income Fund and Coronation Balanced Fund
Exchange Traded Funds
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