Experience a more efficient and secure way of working with your documents
Get access to your information from anywhere.
2 Million+
Shareholder accounts managed
Remote access to documents
Years' experience
Manage documents and records for their entire lifecycle
From inception, to disposal.
Central web storage
Our document management system provides a central web storage which is crucial for managing and retaining documents from multiple sources.
Document retrieval and distribution
Quick and easy retrieval of documents
Document Capture and Indexing
We provide automated document capture and indexing for easy retrieval.
Remote access to documents
Workflow automation
Back up and disaster recovery
Remote access
Get remote access to your documents
Remote access to documents
Remote access
Get remote access to your documents
Workflow automation
Back up and disaster recovery
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I easily access my documents?
Yes, our system stores your files by sorting fields in either ascending or descending order and groups and subgroups content in folders by index fields.
Is there a limit to the size of the document I can store?